Sunday, August 28, 2016

MIL Blog by Keziah G. Narboada

(Some of the definition of terms are from the source Meriam webster)
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Combat Digital divide

 Digital divide means the economic, educational, and social inequalities between those who have computers and online access and those who do not.
Some of us know that nowadays many people use different medias or gadgets and when technology is developing the more ignorant we are. To prevent digital divide in our society we must learn and educate ourselves about Technology.

  And also we have to help others  or assist them on how to use the technology. For example you have a friend who doesn't know how to use a laptop let him or her use your laptop instead and assist him or her on how to make a powerpoint, research and other uses of the laptop this is a simple way of helping others know about media or the use of technology.

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Combat Digital Addiction

Why the teens are mostly affected by digital addiction? and why does this happen? there are many reasons of this kind of question but I will emphasize what are the answers of these questions. Many people think that they have a limited connection of social medias if they don't have any gadgets or so but they are nearly wrong because there are many ways that teens can access on social medias for example like in the internet cafe or a free data of a cellphone.

 But there are also some negative effects that some of the teens will become more abusive of the internet like watching pornography videos and others. And it will kill their lives not their physical body but mentally. And they draw attention more on social medias because they are socially depressed.

 They are some solutions to avoid the digital addiction first you have to be active in socializing others and knows how to interact many. Surround yourself to good influenced people. You have to know that friends in social media can't help you when you need some help always know that friends in real life is better than just chatting to your friend who you don't seem to know him/her.

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Combat Bulllying

 Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. There are two main parts of bullying one is bullying in physical aspect and the other is the cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a bullying by the use of media like commenting negative words on her timeline, being mean to her and others.
We all have different aspects and different attitude. While we are at school bullying is the main cause why there are some people who are still lack of self esteem and insecure of themselves. We must know how can we interact others wisely in using the media and we must know when to say those words on the internet because we don't know how the person reacts on what you are saying. And what if you are trying to say something sarcastic to that person when that person is a hot headed person and gets annoyed or gets discouraged easily. We must think before we click because this is the only way to prevent from hurting others feelings.

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Promote Ethical use of media and information
There are many types of negative behaviours in using the media but it is rarely important to know the right thing to do when you are using the media and information. We all have to know whether the sites are appropriate and has a good source of information. The way we interact in media is different than the way we interact personally and you dont know already that you are sending or commenting those words that the other people doesnt seem to like you when you are talking to them through social media. When you open a networking site you will have to know whether it has a privacy and you should know who is the admin of the networking site.

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Opportunities and Challenges of media and information
The opportunities of media and information are the access of free information and socializing to others, the counting of voting system of the politicians through digital, research and informations through media. And the challenges are the buissness profiles of social media, socially active, netiquette, and others.

thanks for reading :)


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